
My Pared-Down Approach to Planning and Goal Setting

My Pared-Down Approach to Planning and Goal Setting

It’s that time of year!

Tomorrow marks the start of 2019 and I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for the fresh start and clean slate that January 1st brings.

I’ve tried my hand at many different goal-setting planners, journals, and apps for both business and personal use in the past, like the Best Self Journal, Cultivate What Matters PowerSheets, and the 5 Second Journal. And all of them worked well for the season I used them in.

But this year I’m paring down and taking a slightly different approach to setting goals, mapping out my time, and keeping up with my schedule.

7 Things I'm Doing to Prepare My Business for the New Year

7 Things I'm Doing to Prepare My Business for the New Year

I know there’s nothing magical about January 1st.

But every time December rolls around, I can’t help but look forward to the fresh start that a new year brings. Especially this year.

2018 was a year of many firsts for us with having our first baby and buying/renovating our first house, and I underestimated how long it would take to get into a regular rhythm for Elle & Company.

Now that my son is 8 months old and we’re all moved into our house, I finally feel like we’re reaching a new normal. The new year couldn’t be coming at a better time.

But before I dive into some exciting new ideas and projects, there are 7 things I’m doing to tie up loose ends, cap off the year, and start 2019 with a clean slate.

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Elle & Company From My Assistant's Perspective

A Behind-the-Scenes Look at Elle & Company From My Assistant's Perspective

Hi! My name is Marisa and I am one of Lauren’s assistants. I graduated with my degree in Public Relations and Marketing in 2015. I currently work full time as a Communications/Marketing Specialist in higher education (at my alma mater) and work for Elle & Company as the Content Marketing Manager part time.

Like you, I used to avidly read the Elle & Company blog.

I first stumbled across Elle & Company in the Fall of 2015 when I was researching SEO for Squarespace.

I came across The Truth About Squarespace SEO blog post and instantly become obsessed with reading all of Lauren’s blog posts and soaking in her colorful graphic design style all over her website.

As I continued to devour blog posts, I came across 20 Business Tasks You Could Be Delegating and I thought to myself, “Hey! I could do/have done all of this stuff.”

In a moment of bravery, I reached out to Lauren, pitched myself, and asked her if she needed an assistant. At the time, she had just hired her first assistant, Jenny, and wasn’t looking to hire someone else so quickly.

So I continued to read her blog posts and newsletters, I subscribed to the Library, and I tuned into Ellechats when I could.

About a year went by and Lauren had just launched her Freelance Academy course for the first time and I wondered if she could use any extra help. So I emailed her again, thinking it would be a long shot.

But to my surprise she emailed me back within an hour with the craziest story! She had been meaning to reach out to me for weeks to see if I might still be interested in the assistant position - she even had the email sitting in her drafts folder but had been too busy to push send.

Before I started freelancing for Elle & Company, I was so curious as to how Lauren ran things behind the scenes and always wished she would share more “intimate business details”. Now that I’m on the other side, I constantly see requests from readers for this very thing. So today I’m taking you “behind the scenes” to talk to you about Elle & Company from my perspective.

A Comprehensive List of Tools and Resources I Use to Run My Business

A Comprehensive List of Tools and Resources I Use to Run My Business

There are a lot of great tools and apps out there to help you manage an online business. So many, in fact, that it can be hard to know which ones to use!

And that’s probably why I receive so many questions related to the tools and resources I use and recommend for starting and scaling an online business.

I’m a big fan of sharing tools that work and don’t work for me. But nonetheless, I’ve curated a list of my most highly recommend tools and resources for an online business so you can view them all in one place.

In all transparency, I do receive compensation for mentioning some of these resources and any commission I earn comes at no additional cost to you. But I never recommend tools that I don’t use, love, and believe to be extremely beneficial for starting and scaling an online business.

How to Build a Quiz Content Upgrade

How to Build a Quiz Content Upgrade

Have you ever been scrolling through Buzzfeed or Facebook and got sucked into taking a quiz about “Which Friends Character Are You?” or “What City Should You Actually Live In?”

Quizzes can be addicting because when taken, with a grain of salt, quizzes can give you insights about yourself. And we love learning more about ourselves and our preferences.

So it’s no wonder that businesses are now creating quizzes similar to those found on Buzzfeed and Facebook as a means for generating leads, driving traffic, and segmenting your audience.

I recently jumped on the quiz as a content upgrade bandwagon and created my “Which Squarespace template is right for you?” quiz. I used Interact to create it and in this post, I’m taking you behind my screen to show you how I did it.