Brand Challenge Day 14: Choose your brand fonts

Brand Challenge Day 14: Choose your brand fonts

Your colors are all set! Now it’s time to dive into fonts.

But finding, choosing, and pairing fonts for your brand isn’t as simple as grabbing Comic Sans and Baskerville from the list of included fonts on your computer and calling it a day.

Actually, please don’t use Comic Sans as a brand font. Ever.

Today’s action step and blog post will walk you through what to consider and how to go about choosing fonts for your one-of-a-kind brand.

This post is part of Elle & Company’s 4-week Brand Challenge. Click here to see more details, sign up, and access the free workbook.

Brand Challenge Day 14: Choose your brand fonts | Elle & Company


Choose your brand fonts

Just like with the color process, I already have a detailed blog post on all the steps you need to take to choose and pair brand fonts: Finding, Choosing, and Pairing Brand Fonts

Once you work through the steps in that post, take some time to choose your header font, body text font, and possibly one accent font.

I’ve left space for you to brainstorm and finalize your brand fonts on page 17 of the Brand Challenge workbook.

Brand Challenge Day 14: Choose your brand fonts | Elle & Company

Be sure to pay close attention that all 2-3 fonts work together.

If you choose an accent font, consider how and when that font will be used (again, creating a system of sorts). Scripts and decorative fonts can make great accent fonts, but they should be used sparingly and in small doses to call attention to certain words in your designs.

Whatever fonts you choose, stay consistent.

Don’t switch them up every month or choose one font for social media graphics and another for blog post images.

Some of you artsy creatives might get bored with using the same fonts over and over, but consistency is key to creating brand recognition and appearing professional.