Jul 2015

New Brand + Website Design for Prairie Letter Shop

New Brand + Website Design for Prairie Letter Shop

The night before a client launch day always feels like Christmas Eve around here. So much intention, time, and effort goes into a brand and website design on both my end and my client's end, and it's a good thing I only work within 2 week timeframes because the anticipation to reveal the final product gets me every time. 

But while you can look through my design portfolio and get a glimpse at the final designs, you might miss out on my favorite part of the entire project: the process. Because while it might seem like design only involves creating pretty things, there's much more intention and effort that goes on behind the scenes.

So today I'm giving you a behind-the-scenes look at the creative problem solving that took place behind my latest design project for Alex Estes with Prairie Letter Shop. The hand lettering, bright color palette, and fun illustrations make this project one of my favorites to date, and I'm excited to walk you through the design process!

New Elle & Company E-Course Dates and Details!

New Elle & Company E-Course Dates and Details!

When I first started Elle & Company a year and a half ago, my design background gave me an edge in the areas of blogging and business. Because of my experience and training in design school, I was able to easily (and affordably) create my own logo, blog graphics, and website. I felt comfortable designing a cohesive visual identity for my new business.

But I quickly realized that this isn’t the norm. Many creative entrepreneurs, especially those who are just starting out, feel intimidated by design. They run into design needs often, but they don’t know how to create a strong, unified first impression for their audience. They’re often a tight budget, as well, and may not be able to hire an experienced designer.

So last winter I began to brainstorm ways that I could meet the design needs of bloggers and business owners. And that’s where the idea for these upcoming Elle & Company e-courses formed. 

I’m excited to dive into the details of our upcoming e-courses and share some new dates with you today. I’ve built these courses with you in mind, to give you an advantage in the area of design and allow you to feel more comfortable and competent creating graphics for your blog and/or business.  

The 6-Step Guide for Launching Your First E-Course

The 6-Step Guide for Launching Your First E-Course

E-courses are gaining popularity in the creative industry, and for good reason: they’re a scalable source of passive income. They may require more work at the outset, but they have the potential to bring in more money than service-based income sources in the long run.

If you missed my post on passive income a couple weeks ago, be sure to check it out here!

If you’ve been seeking to create another stream of income for your business or you’re hoping to take your business full-time, today’s post is for you. 

I’m taking you behind the scenes of how I successfully launched my first e-course to bring in passive income. My hope is that these 6 simple steps allow you to work smarter, not harder, and take your business to the next level.

How I Work from Home and Stay Productive

How I Work from Home and Stay Productive

We all have the same amount of hours in a day. That’s why productivity tips are sought after and blog posts on the topic are often shared; with a limit on time, we all want to utilize and maximize the 24 hours we’ve been given.

Especially in business.

For the past year I’ve been working from home full-time, and although my schedule could always be improved and I will never have time management down to a T, I’ve learned a few tricks that have been helpful for me along the way. I also love getting a glimpse at the schedules of other creative entrepreneurs. 

So today I’m sharing a sneak peek into my workday routine. Odds are that my workday schedule won’t be perfect for you, but I hope you might be able to glean a thing or two (and leave a comment with your best advice for making most of a workday). 

It’s also important to note that this is an ideal workday. In a creative field, each day is different and things inevitably come up that throw off my daily routine. Some days you just have to roll with it and try to get back on track! 

How Passive Income Allows You to Work Smarter, Not Harder

How Passive Income Allows You to Work Smarter, Not Harder

When I was posting each weekday on the Elle & Company blog, I was often asked how I continued to come up with blog post ideas.

My answer was always the same: I’ve found that the more I blog, the more I understand my audience and come across topics that would interest them; it actually gets easier over time. 

I also know that business is never stagnant; there are always new lessons to learn. Industries evolve and there are always new changes and practices to come across. If you aren’t learning, your business probably isn’t growing.

While many of my posts are instructional and informational, they’re also indicative of where I am in my business and what I’m learning.

I write from experience and research so if you see an Elle & Company post on a certain topic, there’s a good chance that it’s been on the forefront of my mind at some point and important to my business.

The same is true for this post. 

We’ve all heard the saying “work smarter, not harder.” I have been putting a lot of thought into how we bring in an income through Elle & Company, as well as how we can make the best use of our time. 

Today we’re taking you deeper into what we’ve discovered and how we plan on making things easier for ourselves in terms of bringing in an income for our business.

While the goal of each Elle & Company article is to benefit you, I know that this one might be a game changer if you haven’t put much thought into passive income.